What does Lotus Notes user management cost me?
Make your own online calculation.
Do you want to know what user management cost you? Or do you rather want to know what you can save by using the AmainSolutions UserManager? On both questions you will find the answer by using the online calculation below. The outcome is pure direct costs, we didn't incorporate costs caused by security risks or errors made by users which will be real when you don't use the UserManager.
The costs for managing users is directly related to the amount of users and the costs of personnel. These costs contain not only the salaries but also the personal computers, the desks and other facilities directly related to your personnel. You can make a choice out of three different hourly rates.
One of our customers has measured how many mutation per day they had. The outcome was that the amount of mutation per day was equal to 0,5% of the total amount of their Lotus Notes users. On days after the summer holidays this figure even got as big as 0,8% of the total amount of users.
On average without the UserManager about 15 minutes are required for every user management modification. These modifications can be a move of an user, recertifying an user or restore the user's password. These 15 minutes per modification have been verified by one of our customers.
If you are using Active Directory the average time per user management modification will increase again with at least 5 minutes. Depending on the tool you are using or no tool at all this can go up to even 10 minutes extra per user management modification. The UserManager can help you manage users in both environment. The integrated user management of Lotus Notes - and Active Directory users offered by the UserManager can save you more money then you ever expected.
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